Did You Know
Most Service of Process in Michigan is regulated by specific statutes and court rules, and if not served, completed or filed correctly, may be contested and/or considered invalid by the court, thereby delaying and jeopardizing your efforts to secure a judgment.
Michigan court rules require diligent effort and inquiry when attempting service, demanding that specific and documented attempts to both locate and serve the named party be performed correctly and in an acceptable manner.
Police Officers and Deputy Sheriffs only receive an average of 4 hours training in the academy regarding Civil Law, most of which does NOT address procedures for the proper Service of Process.
Official Process Servers serving process issued to them by a court must file a bond with that court in the amount of $10,000.
Court Officers appointed by a court must file a bond with that court in the amount of $50,000.
Deputy Sheriffs post only a $2,500 bond.
Landlord-Tenant matters, particularly those involving mobile homes require specific Service of Process procedures and the proper enforcement of Orders of Eviction.
There is an array of specific exemptions allowed by law to judgment debtors, and if a seizure order is enforced improperly or violates these exemption laws, you may be held liable for all costs incurred by the seizure.
We are presently staffed with more than 53 Court Officers, Deputy Sheriffs, Eviction Specialists and Process Servers, all of which are certified by the Michigan Court Officers’, Deputy Sheriffs’ and Process Server’s Association, the educational, testing and certifying body for this profession in the state of Michigan.
Others simply attempt to “mimic” our services, procedures and abilities rather than obtaining the education and training they need to acquire true knowledge and expertise in this profession. We are a full time/full service/fully equipped agency, with resources others simply do not have at their disposal.